Excluded from the city’s history for almost two-centuries, New Haven is finally elevating this important man for his contributions to our city. The program is the most comprehensive and accessible collection of historical data available on Lanson to date, and consists of a pamphlet, video, and virtual seminar.
Click the button above
to download the full informational
pamphlet on Lanson’s life
“Conversations on William Lanson” is a collection of recorded Zoom discussions between scholars, historians, artists, and community leaders. There are still questions and unknowns about the Lanson story, and through conversations and the sharing of ideas from multiple perspectives, we aspire to present the history as active and growing. These conversations, about Lanson and other marginalized histories, will continue as we seek to understand our past and our relationship to our community legacies.
For a full written transcript of the discussions presented in the video, please follow the link below.
Meet the Team
Virtual Reality Artist Makes
Walls And Streets Move
Artist Marc Pettersen created an augmented reality animation in honor of Lanson and the mural on Crown Street by David de la Mano